Slater talks about his Fred Rubble
Remember last year when we were all sporting Dumpster Divers? But, just when we presumed late 2011 was going to be all Neck Beards (Reynolds’ latest model) out pops Conner…
DetailsWaves waist to chest high and on the increase strong onshores with very choppy conditions
I think the one lesson I have learned is that
there is no substitute for paying attention.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.
We won!
No hotel
in the
State Park!
~ Quote on the sign out in front of The Surf Station
The Surf Station's Quote of the Day is new quote each day that relates to the world we live in, each day. Priority is given to worldwide and local surfing, although any subject from any person or era may be published. Submit your original quote by sending an email to
Remember last year when we were all sporting Dumpster Divers? But, just when we presumed late 2011 was going to be all Neck Beards (Reynolds’ latest model) out pops Conner…
DetailsAs has always been the case, men write the HIStory of themselves. Women’s voices are rarely present in mainstream surfing media. That’s why I’m always stoked to hear about…
DetailsEarly Morning Thursday 12-8-11 with Aloe
This kid has a new site and is sure to be churning out surf porn for years to come!
Found this one lurking around the internets.. almost a year old but amazing footage! Laniakea 12.08.10 from Hawaii DV on Vimeo.
DetailsA few clips of Chris Ropero, Jody Davis and Stephen Kaltenbach shredding the knar. Music by the Rice Cakes.
DetailsESM recently ran my re-cap of the Transparentsea Voyage: TransparentSea is an awareness campaign aimed at highlighting coastal environmental issues, with particular attention given to cetaceans, or whales and…
DetailsPlay on those weird slide shows from school days.
This video of Cory Lopez and his daughter Alana is classic!!! Cory and Alana from Blake Kueny on Vimeo.
DetailsThe boys rip San Fran during the lay days… San Francisco Doesn’t Suck. from Blake Kueny on Vimeo.
7:15 am: The waves look larger and choppier . The wave size is 2-3+ feet and on the increase. The wind is strong onshore NNE. The marine forecast calls for the wind to be strong NE today. Our local buoy the early morning wave height reading is 5.9 feet at 6 seconds up from yesterdays 3.3 feet at 10 seconds. The water temperature is measured at 83.5 degrees offshore again this morning. You can see the ocean live by viewing The Surf Station Cam Page here.
8:00 am: Early morning photos are posted in box #1 and you can see it’s very choppy this morning. Drifty N swell super bumpy waves at waist to chest high and on the increase. A strong current from N to S and withThe Dredge now gone, there is no more sand being pumped, so the erosion along our coastline will begin with his NE’er. The wind should be strong today with Tropical Storm Francine in the Gulf and (indirectly) wind getting sucked around it. Francine will likely become a hurricane this morning/today as she beams towards Louisiana …
Left up from last night:
5:00 pm: New late afternoon photos are posted in box #3 and you can see we had some fun waves around The Pier / Dredge area this afternoon! These photos were taken about 4 pm. Since then, it has started raining cats and dogs! Not sure how this will affect the surf as we get closer to dark, but we will see. You can see what is going on live live by viewing The Surf Station Cam Page here. all the way up til dark…
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